Player code of conduct

  • 1. Respect for coaches, officials, and teammates: Players must always show respect towards coaches, officials, and fellow teammates. This includes following instructions from coaches and officials, treating teammates with respect and consideration, and refraining from any form of verbal or physical abuse.
  • 2. Good sportsmanship: Players must display good sportsmanship at all times, including accepting the outcome of the game with grace, shaking hands with opponents after the game, and refraining from taunting or showing disrespect towards opponents.
  • 3. Safety: Players must prioritize safety on the playing surface and follow all safety guidelines set forth by the coaches and officials. Players must also wear appropriate safety gear and equipment.
  • 4. Positive attitude: Players must maintain a positive attitude and approach the game with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.
  • 5. Responsibility: Players must take responsibility for their actions on and off the playing surface. This includes showing up to practice and games on time, following team rules, and representing the organization in a positive light.
  • 6. Honesty: Players must always be honest in their actions and interactions with coaches, officials, and teammates.
  • 7. Inclusivity: Players must respect and celebrate diversity and be inclusive towards all players, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or ability.
  • 8. Respect for equipment and facilities: Players must take care of equipment and facilities, including not damaging or mistreating any equipment or facilities provided by the organization.
  • 9. No use of drugs or alcohol: Players must refrain from using drugs or alcohol while participating in any organization-related activities


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