About Us

Our mission

Our mission is to create a unified youth sports framework conducive to personal growth and development in a positive environment for participants of all skill levels and ages. Nucleus Sports Group is dedicated to the holistic development of all youth through sport and social interaction within their communities.
Parent talking to athlete and being encouraging
Working together to grow and become the best sports development business we can be

Our Vision

We value helping youth foster a passion and excitement about sports and physical activity. Nucleus Sports Group has developmentally appropriate programs for every young athlete’s needs. At Nucleus Sports Group we understand that coaches play a pivotal role in impacting the lives of so many young athletes so we make it our responsibility to train, educate and certify our coaches to ensure they are well equipped with all the necessary tools to guide the next generation. Additionally we aim to properly educate parents to further enhance the long term development of their children..

What we do

We provide structure & framework for youth sport organizations to deliver quality programs to the youth in their communities. Organizations are able to eliminate inefficiencies resulting in higher quality programs for the youth. Through our variety of program offerings we ensure youth of all skill levels and ages have numerous options to find something best suited for them. Nucleus Sports Group trains and certifies coaches for the different levels through its coaching certification programs to ensure the youth are receiving developmentally appropriate instruction and training. Ensuring quality coaches are positively impacting each child’s growth and development is our priority.

Coaches Code of Conduct

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