coaches Code Of Conduct

  • 1. Only use methods and techniques that you are confident in teaching and have the qualifications for.
  • 2. Avoid using methods that are a risk to the health and safety of the athletes. Only use training and teaching methods that will benefit the athletes.
  • 3. Coaches must seek continuous personal development, keep up with the latest developments in teaching and training methods.
  • 4. Coaches must inspire trustworthiness in athletes, and include athletes in decisions that concern them and their future.
  • 5. Maintain confidentiality with sensitive information about individuals. Coaches must use their discretion when communicating.
  • 6. Make informed decisions about how to interact and behave in sporting environments.
  • 7. Show tolerance to and treat everyone equally regardless of their sex, age, race, language, socioeconomic status, ethnic origin, disability, or religion.
  • 8. Show respect towards self, the sport, the organization and property.
  • 9. Respect the decisions made by others (officials and opponents).
  • 10. Coaches respect the fact that athletes are allowed to seek opinions and help from a third party.
  • 11. A coach will respect the privacy of an athlete and avoid any form of harassment (sex, gender, disability) towards the athlete.
  • 12. Respects promises and commitments and keeps to them, both written and verbal.
  • 13. Be fair to all the athletes through providing the same opportunities and training times.
  • 14. A coach shows no favoritism to one athlete over the other.
  • 15. A coach should teach fair play and sportsmanship to their athletes so they are fair to their teammates and opponents
  • 16. A coach should refrain from using any illegal, abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally) or unethical training methods.
  • 17. A coach should always refrain from using and discourage their athletes from using any performance enhancing drugs (PEDs).
  • 18. A coach should refrain from any forms of bribery with their athletes, parents, or any other persons.
  • 19. A coach should avoid giving too much negative feedback to their athletes.
  • 20. A coach should care for all athletes but avoid making any intimate and unnecessary contact with athletes.
  • 21. Ensure that the training and competition requirements meet the abilities of the individual athletes in both fitness and age.
  • 22. Instruct young athletes on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the lifelong benefits of sport or physical activity involvement.
  • 23. Consider the wishes, feelings, and opinions of all athletes.
  • 24. The well-being of the athletes a coach works with is the number one priority.
  • 25. A coach must be a person of integrity, keeping to their personal values in word and action at all times.
  • 26. Keep a high moral standard and follow it at all times as the coach is a role model for young athletes.
  • 27. Provide opportunities for your athletes to develop their skills, confidence, and self esteem. Holistic development of all athletes is the aim.
  • 28. Be responsible for ensuring the training program is adjusted to the needs and capabilities of each athlete.
  • 29. Promote values of team spirit and sportsmanship.
  • 30. Help athletes understand that winning is only one part of athletics but fun and enjoyment are more important.
  • 31. Coaches must be responsible for keeping up with the latest developments in training and coaching techniques.
  • 32. Ensure the training facility is in good and appropriate conditions with no hazards that’ll put your athletes in danger.
  • 33. Should keep regular contact with parents or legal guardians about training schedules, developments, possible areas of improvements you see in athletes that parents can help with.
  • 34. Refrain from overtraining athletes, the priority should be keeping athletes interested in the sport and wanting to play.
  • 35. Do not start sexual relationships with athletes and discourage attempts from your athletes to initiate sexual relationships with you.


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